Many medical students claim to have found success with it in the past to prepare for Step 1. This defeated the purpose of long-term spaced repetition altogether!Ī few months later I started using the Brosencephalon deck. Not studying the cards meant I forget them. However, I never ended up continuing to review these cards after the tests. Anki sounded like a great idea, so I started to use it here and there to memorize a bunch of facts before each of my tests. It uses spaced repetition so you can memorize enormous amounts of information. When I first came to medical school, I heard about Anki.
USMLE step 1 Boards and Beyond Cardiology videos and pdf 2019 free download Here Adam Nessim describes why he started using Zanki - and why he stopped. These include Zanki, Brosencephalon, and a host of others.